Dr Luisa Winkler receives DGPuK Dissertation Award
Outstanding study on communication in mid tear
Outstanding study on communication in mid tear
Best Master's Thesis in Europe and Best Paper Award
Kristin Hansen M.A., graduate of the Communication Management Master's programme at the University of Leipzig, was awarded this year's Talent Award 2020 by the Bundesverband der Kommunikatoren (BdKom) on 17 September 2020. The award ceremony took place at Kommunikationskongress 2020, the industry's…
Professor Zerfass and his team are experts in strategic communication, corporate communications, positioning and management of communication departments, measurement and evaluation, communication consulting, digital communications, CommTech and international communications.
An overview of all current and past research projects and publications can be found in the databases linked here.
For those who are able to read German is also worth taking a look at the current annual report of the department.
The following institutions are located at the Chair of Strategic Communication. They support research and teaching at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies in various ways.