Anyone who wants to work or research in communication management needs international and intercultural competence. This is taught consistently and intensively in the Master Communication Management.

International Focus

The academic discourse on communication management with the latest topics and studies takes place predominantly in English-language journals and at corresponding specialist conferences. The professors and lecturers in Leipzig are active and well networked in this field. English-language literature is also the predominant medium of study. Numerous courses are held in English and enable students to try out what will later be expected as a matter of course in their everyday working lives.

In addition to this international character of the curriculum, there are various opportunities to gain further qualifications abroad:

  • The elective module "Intercultural Communication", offered in different ways depending on availability, enables students to take part in excursions to partner universities and international conferences (travel costs must be paid by the student).
  • Possibility to spend a semester abroad within the framework of the European mobility programme Erasmus+ or on other continents. The Institute's partner universities, for example in Dublin (Ireland), Oslo (Norway), Jyväskylä (Finland), Milan (Italy), Madrid (Spain) and Prague (Czech Republic), offer numerous options and recently also various English-language Master's programmes in Strategic Communication.
  • Possibility of a voluntary internship abroad in the fourth semester (extends the study programme by half a year). Typical places of work are the offices of communications consultancies in major European cities such as London, communications teams of German companies or associations abroad, or research internships at partner universities that cooperate with the Leipzig team in international projects. Some of these are also funded by Erasmus+, but mostly you have to take the initiative.



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