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The global challenges which European societies are confronted with, have multiplied and become more complex over the last years. Profound questions are emerging: How shall actors in Europe respond to multiple and interconnected crises, including climate change, the rise of populism, global health, economic ruptures, and war? In this context, the new Arqus Joint Master in European Studies will provide students with critical perspectives, specialized knowledge and advanced expertise to analyze, comprehend and mediate insights about the shifting position of European actors and societies in a globally connected world, and about the interplay between processes of globalization, European integration and fragmentation. Joining forces in a transnational consortium, the universities of Granada, Graz, Leipzig, and Vilnius designed a program, which combines social, cultural, political, economic, legal, and historical approaches to the study of contemporary Europe.

From 9 – 11 October, a multi-sited hybrid conference will not only celebrate the launch of this M.A. program, but invite for discussions on the type of challenges, which emerge for research and teaching in European Studies in a global age of crisis, on how these are addressed by the partners of the consortium, and which competences students and employers look for when anticipating their role in new global dynamics.

The conference combines a keynote, roundtables, and student activities. They are organized locally at the consortium’s partner universities and streamed online across the different study places and the whole Arqus university alliance. We very much welcome also interested audience worldwide.

For further information, please visit the program’s website