Nachricht vom

Am 21. und 27. Mai 2020 fand an der Universität Leipzig die virtuelle Tagung „Future Trends of Strategic Communication: Organizational Positioning in a Changing Environment“ statt. Dort präsentierten Studierende des Masterstudiengangs Communication Management die Resultate von insgesamt sechs Forschungsprojekten.

Unter der Leitung von Professor Alexander Godulla und Rosanna Planer haben die Studierenden das Tagungsformat selbst entwickelt, moderiert und durchgeführt. Das Programmheft stellt das Thema der englischsprachigen Tagung folgendermaßen vor: "Today’s society is shaped by huge transformation processes. Issues such as sustainability and diversity have become an integral part of the public discourse and therefore have a big influence on strategic communication. One of the greatest challenges for managers and communicators today is to focus on societal values – especially in the context of increasingly digitized work processes. How organizations face up to this task has been investigated in several research projects conducted by the master class “Communication Management” of 2019 at Leipzig University. Their results are presented at the digital conference “Future Trends of Strategic Communication: Organizational Positioning in a Changing Environment” on the 21st and 27th of May 2020." 

Das vollständige Programm sehen Sie hier.
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