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We, the master classes “Communication Management” and “Global Mass Communication” from Leipzig University, cordially invite you to our international scientific conference

“Redefining the Rules – Game Changers in
Strategic Communications & Journalism” 

n some regards communication practices can sometimes be similar to sports: At the beginning stands a strategy, meant to lead a team to victory. However, a strategy doesn't always succeed. Sometimes a lack of training, poor communication skills of the coach, or the superiority of the opposing team can cause failures. Other times, strategies simply fail due to environmental situations that unexpectedly influence the flow of a game. Such moments require the development of new tactics, or sometimes even a redefinition of existing rules. 

The past year was marked by such unpredictable twists and turns. Communicators around the world faced the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, while simultaneously being exposed to a whole new set of opportunities, created by technological developments and innovations. But how can communicators and journalists deal with the challenges and opportunities of today and tomorrow?

Together, we will get to the bottom of this question at our international scientific conference:

  • “Redefining the Rules – Game Changers in Strategic Communications & Journalism” hosted by the 2020 master classes "Communication Management" and "Global Mass Communication" from Leipzig University.
  • The conference takes place on June 2 and 9, 2021, starting at 4 PM (CET) and will be accessible via Zoom
  • In several research projects, the students have investigated current challenges and trends in strategic communications and journalism and will now present their findings.
  • Furthermore, we are pleased to welcome two very exciting keynote speakers:
    Clara Fischer, PR and communications expert and founder of the consultancy Voice of Tech, who participated in the German federal government’s #WirvsVirus Hackathon last year and experienced the development and communication of the Germany-wide Corona warning app.
    With Jeremy Gilbert, the current Knight Chair for Digital Media Strategy at Medill, Northwestern University, we are looking forward to hearing an expert provide insights into current challenges at the intersection of PR and journalism. 
  • Please find out more about the conference program in this flyer

To participate in the conference, please register by May 31, 2020 via this link or here.

Alternatively, you can send an email with your name and the days you wish to attend to conference.redefining-the-rules(at) After a successful registration, you will receive further information about the program as well as the access data to the Zoom call within a few days.

We look forward to your presence at the conference
Your CM and GMC master classes (2020)