Basic Information

The MA Communication and Media Studies (KMW) at a Glance

You are interested in a master's degree in Communication and Media Studies. Find out about the contents, structure, admission restrictions, standard period of study and application for the Master of Arts in Communication and Media Studies at Leipzig University.

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Foto: Studierende sitzen im Hörsaal und hören aufmerksam zu
Foto: Vorlesung im vollbesetzten Audimax, am Rednerpult steht ein Professor

Study Organisation

Exams and Master Thesis

Here you will find relevant information on the module examinations and the final thesis in the Master of Arts Communication and Media Studies.

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Dr. Dirk Arnold is responsible for study guidance at MA Communication and Media Studies. If you have any questions regarding the organisation of your studies and application, please contact the helpdesk.

Dr. Dirk Arnold

Dr. Dirk Arnold

Study Advisor MA KMW

Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 3.05
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35708

Office hours
by appointment (by e-mail)



Studienbüro der Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie

Beethovenstraße 15, Room H4 0.10
04107 Leipzig