At a glance

The “Helpdesk” is the central contact point for students, led by students at our faculty. It serves as “first aid” for questions revolving around basic orientation and the organization of one’s studies, and supports the faculty’s exam management, the student counseling and study office.

We can help you further with the following issues

  1. Using the AlmaWeb portal (application, registration, renewal of matriculation)
  2. Information and consultation about study programs, application process, and entrance requirements
  3. Module registration
  4. Individual study organization and semester planning
  5. Support of the faculty in the area of evaluation
  6. Assistance with the recognition of foreign credits
  7. Study organization in the context of ERASMUS+
enlarge the image:
The Team of the Helpdesk is always happy to help you. Photo: Chrisian Hüller

Short guide book for students

Questions regarding the organization of one’s studies - from your application to your thesis - the Helpdesk has put together a short guidebook for students. Here, you fill find out about who’s responsible for what and explanations about study program-related procedures in your study program (guide books only in German).

Institute for Communication and Media Studies
PDF 429 KB

Institute For Cultural Studies
PDF 460 KB

Institute for Philosophy
PDF 414 KB

Institute For Political Science
PDF 588 KB

Institute for Sociology
PDF 447 KB

Office hours (during the lecture period):

You can find our personal office hours in our profiles below.

Not all employees have office hours every day at the Helpdesk. If you need an individual consultation for a study program, then please check when your contact person has office hours. Further (and during the non-lecture period), you can contact us at any time via the following CONTACT FORM.



Geisteswissenschaftlichen Zentrum (GWZ)
Beethovenstraße 15
Erdgeschoss im Raum H4 0.10.


We are happy to help you with any questions you may have about your studies. Sometimes we too reach our limits. Therefore, there is an overview of all the university's advisory services. Do you have doubts about your studies, personal problems or don't know what to do next after your studies? Then all contact points for advice are listed here.
Guidance at a glance

Your people to contact

In the Helpdesk, students who are in different study programs at our faculty work, and they can help based on their study experience. If they don’t know how to help, they will know who can. Here, you will find the right Helpdesk employee who is assigned to your study program.

 Sarah Wohlrab

Sarah Wohlrab

B.A./M.A. Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, M.A. Communication Management, M.Sc. Journalismus, Wahlfach Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, Wahlfach Crossmedia Journalismus

Office hours
Persönliche Sprechzeiten finden in den         Semesterferien leider nicht statt und werden erst wieder in der Woche ab 17.03.25 an-      geboten. Bis dahin bin ich für euch per Mail über das Kontaktformular erreichbar.             während des WiSe 24/25:                                 Mittwoch 11-13 Uhr

 Leon Fitzer

Leon Fitzer

B.A./M.A. Philosophie, Lehramt Ethik, Wahlfach Ethik, Wahlfach Philosophie

Office hours
Persönliche Sprechzeiten finden in den         Semesterferien leider nicht statt und werden erst wieder in der Woche ab 17.03.25 an-      geboten. Bis dahin bin ich für euch per Mail über das Kontaktformular erreichbar.             während des WiSe 24/25:                                 Donnerstag 14-16 Uhr

 Jasmin Simon

Jasmin Simon

B.A./M.A. Kulturwissenschaften, B.A./M.A. Soziologie, Wahlfach Kulturwissenschaften, Wahlfach Soziologie

Office hours
Persönliche Sprechzeiten finden in den         Semesterferien leider nicht statt und werden erst wieder in der Woche ab 17.03.25 an-      geboten. Bis dahin bin ich für euch per Mail über das Kontaktformular erreichbar.             während des WiSe 24/25:                                 Mittwoch 11-13 Uhr

 Lea Junginger

Lea Junginger

B.A./M.A. Politikwissenschaft, Lehramt Gemeinschaftskunde, Wahlfach Politikwissenschaft

Office hours
Persönliche Sprechzeiten finden in den         Semesterferien leider nicht statt und werden erst wieder in der Woche ab 17.03.25 an-      geboten. Bis dahin bin ich für euch per Mail über das Kontaktformular erreichbar.             während des WiSe 24/25:                                 Donnerstag 14-16 Uhr

International Matters

If you have questions regarding your ERASMUS+ application, or if you are coming to Leipzig for an exchange semester, feel free to contact us regarding the following topics.

Exchange semester in Leipzig:


Exchange semester at a partner university

You can contact us via email or set up an appointment for a digital consultation with Lara Spät. If you have particular questions about study program content in Leipzig or at other partner universities, you can contact the respective Erasmus coordinator directly.

 Lara Spät

Lara Spät

Informationsveranstaltungen im Rahmen von ERASMUS+ / ERASMUS+-Bewerbung / Ansprechpartnerin für internationale Austauschsstudierende

Bulletin board

On the Helpdesk’s bulletin board, we publish student jobs, notices, and other information that may be interesting for students.

No news available.


Please use the following contact form to contact us. We can reply much quicker this way. Many questions have been answered already in the guidebooks on the page above.

Questions about module registration, subsequent module registration or changing seminars? Take a look at our central page.


Information about you
Datenschutzerklärung to read. Privacy policy in german.


Erste Anlaufstelle für Studierende bei Fragen zur Studienorganisation

Beethovenstraße 15, Room 4.010
04107 Leipzig

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