Inform yourself here about the chances that you have to get credits recognized for your degree in Leipzig from other study programs or from an exchange program.
Switching study programs
Reorientation during one’s studies is sometimes unavoidable. Depending on how far you are in your old study program, there are different options.
- If you studied something much different subject-wise and if not enough credits can be recognized for the new study program, then you can apply for the regular FIRST SEMESTER.
- If you can get credits from your old study program recognized for your new study program, there is a chance you can jump to a higher semester. This way, you don’t have to begin your study program from the beginning. There are a few things to keep in mind:
Semester start
In study programs in our faculty, you can only start in the winter semester in an odd, and in the summer semester only in an even semester. An exception is made for M.A. Cultural Studies, which allows you to start in the summer and winter semesters with an even or odd semester.
Application deadlines
The deadlines for an application vary depending on the study program and the admission restrictions. Some study programs still have admission restrictions in higher semesters. You can find out which study programs this applies to on the respective study programs’ websites.
Studienangebot der Fakultät
Application deadlines for higher semesters
Request for approval
Before you apply, it must be established which semester you can start in. For this, a formal request must be submitted to the exam commission. In the approval decision, you will find out in which semester you can start your studies. You will need this decision when applying for a higher semester at the University of Leipzig.
recognition decision
The formal process differs depending on the institute. If you have questions, the respective institute’s contact people can help.
Approval of credits from abroad
Credits which you have earned during an exchange program can usually be recognized for your study program. This is easier to do if you discuss which credits can be recognized before your exchange program with your Erasmus coordinator .
For the actual recognition after your exchange program to take place, please contact the respective person at your institute or your Erasmus coordinator.
People to contact in the institutes
The recognition of credits from abroad or from a previous study program occurs formally through the institute’s exam commission. The requests are prepared differently in the various institutes. Find out here who you need to contact.
For questions regarding the recognition of credits, please contact Dr. Daniel Schmidt.
Recognition of credits in the institute for political science