The podcast “InFo - Integrated Research” accompanies the research cluster of the same name for three years, in which the interfaces between technology, ethics, social sciences and law are examined. Six sub-projects revolve around the question: How does technology development influence people and how do people influence technology development? "
Episode 1: The two coordinators of the cluster, Mone Spindler and Arne Manzeschke, jointly present the goals of the research cluster. They talk about what integrated research means for them, what experiences they have had with it in their work and what their ideal of integrated research will look like in the future.
Episode 2: Three employees from sub-cluster 1 present their projects: Sebastian Nähr-Wagener (LeDiLe, Forms of Life in Digitized Living Environments), Marcell Sass (SoDiLe, Sovereignty in Digitized Living Environments) and Jochen Steil (OrDiLe, Orientation in Digitized Living Environments). They will talk about and discuss their research approaches, what the three sub-projects have in common and how they nevertheless differ.
Episode 3: Arne Manzeschke (OrDiLe, Orientation in Digitalized Living Environments) and Bruno Gransche (LeDiLe, Forms of Life in Digitalized Living Environments) give an insight into their respective focus on the joint topic of "Digitalized Living Environments". They will talk about the development of concepts within and between their sub-projects, the methods they are using for their research and what they are learning from their collaboration with their external partners.
Episode 4: In this episode, we focus on the sub-projects from sub-cluster 2 with the overarching theme of "Collaborative Interventions". Verena Müller from (RechTech), Alexa Becker (futurehomestories) and Céline Gressel (ESTER) give an insight into their research. They will discuss their methods, the joint exchange about their research and the similarities and differences between the sub-projects.