News from

We are pleased to be able to provide an overview of the activities of the past year with the just published annual report of the Communication Management teaching and research area at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig.

You can find the annual report as a PDF here:

The Master Communication Management started in fall 2021 with a new structure and new contents. We are all the more pleased that the offering took the top spot in the faculty's most recent student survey and shines in particular with the shortest study time, highest success rate and best organization.

In the reporting year 2021, the team worked on exciting projects on the challenges of digital transformation - keywords such as ComTech, virtual stakeholder dialogs, virtual reality or deepfakes. The "Center for History and Corporate Communication" was newly launched. The scientific output is manifested in more than 100 publications, including six books, and more than 50 articles in journals or anthologies. Two doctorates were successfully completed, as were 30 master's and 27 bachelor's theses. We were again pleased to receive awards for excellent teaching, "Best Paper" and outstanding student research work.

We would like to thank all our partners, guest lecturers, staff and students for their commitment and their pleasure in researching and learning together. We would be delighted to receive your suggestions, questions and ideas for joint projects - please contact us personally at any time.