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Lital Henig joins the Chair of Media and Communication Studies as a Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher.

Lital Henig is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. She recently submitted her doctoral thesis to the Department of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In her dissertation, titled "Retracing Memory: Holocaust Memory in Digital Culture," she explored the status of material traces of the past in Holocaust memory within digital culture. During her doctoral studies, she served as a research fellow at the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry and was part of the Horizon 2020 research project "Visual History of the Holocaust: Rethinking Curation in the Digital Age." Lital Henig has also been awarded the President of Israel Scholarship for Excellence and Innovation in Science. Her research interests include visual media, memory studies, digital culture, film studies, and Jewish culture, with a particular focus on visual media, remediation, and memory. She has published several articles on these topics.

The Digital Media and Society Fellowship Program enables research stays at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies at Leipzig University and aims to strengthen collaboration with international researchers in the study of networked communication and digital media. The program focuses on: Media Culture Research, particularly media-related practices in their cultural, sociotechnical, and temporal contexts. Digital Communication, emphasizing the production and appropriation of digitally networked media technologies and forms of communication. Media Analysis, especially the reconstruction of media content, its (multimodal, transmedia) forms of representation, and discursive formations across various communication forms and media systems.

The Fellowship Program is hosted by the Chair of Media and Communication Studies and funded by Leipzig University. It covers travel and accommodation costs for the fellows' stay in Leipzig. Fellows are provided with a workspace at the Chair of Media and Communication Studies.