Quality is a priority. This is shown by the results of the recently published study "Quality Perception of Communication Agencies" (German only). The study, developed and conducted at the Communication Management department by Prof. Dr. Ansgar Zerfaß and Daniel Ziegele, explores the question of how the understanding of quality has developed over the long term and what the current status of quality in consulting and service processes is.
The results show that the quality of communications consulting is a top priority in the PR and communications industry. The development over time confirms that this was already the case ten years ago. In addition, the study provides evidence of what priorities are set in practice. Quality measures that agencies consider important are more frequently implemented and communicated externally. In addition, larger agencies are almost twice as likely to take steps to create the conditions for quality advice as smaller agencies or individual consultants. The complete results can be found in the report of PR Journal, which accompanied the study as a cooperation partner: Click here (German only)
In February and March, more than 250 decision-makers at leadership level in German PR agencies took part in the study via an online survey. They were asked about the four main topics of relevance of quality, importance of specific quality factors, implementation of quality measures and presentation of quality. The questionnaire is largely based on a previous study by Ansgar Zerfaß and Susanne Thobe from 2013, so that developments over time could be compared after exactly ten years.
To download the study: bit.ly/QKA2023 (German only)