Jeanne Link is Research Associate at the Department of Strategic Communication. Her research interest lies in corporate communications. She studied Media Studies in Dresden and Krakow and received her Master's degree in Communication Management at Leipzig University.
- Link, J.; Volk, S. C.; Düthmann, J.Millennials im Spannungsfeld zwischen Privat- und Berufsleben: Stress, Zufriedenheit und Rollenkonflikte im Berufsfeld PR.MedienJournal. 2022. 45 (4). pp. 45–66.
- Zerfaß, A.; Link, J.Business models for communication departments: A comprehensive approach to analyze, explain and innovate communication management in organizationsIn: Birmingham, B.; Voges, T. (Eds.)Proceedings of the 25th International Public Relations Research Conference. Orlando, FL: 2022. pp. 187–202.
- Link, J.Ethical dilemmas in digital communication: An empirical investigation of ethical decision-making processes.In: Birmingham , B.; Voges, T. (Eds.)Proceedings of the 25th International Public Relations Research Conference. 2022. pp. 124–137.
- Zerfaß, A.; Link, J.Communication management: structures, processes, and business models for value creation through corporate communicationsIn: Heide, M.; Falkheimer, J. (Eds.)Research Handbook on Strategic Communication. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. 2022. pp. 237–258.ISBN: 978 1 80037 988 6
- Buhmann, A.; Link, J.; Frandsen, F.; Luoma-Aho, V.; Falkheimer, J.; Zerfaß, A.The Nordic Communications Report 2021. Current and future trends in Norway, Denmark, Finland and SwedenNORA – The Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management. Oslo. 2021.
- Andere Ehrungen: Auszeichnung für herausragende Lehre (3. Platz) gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wolfshow detailsLink, Jeanne (Strategische Kommunikation)awarded in 2022 by Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft.
- Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Günter Thiele Forschungsstipendium für Promovierendeshow detailsLink, Jeanne (Strategische Kommunikation)awarded in 2022 by Günter-Thiele-Stiftung für Kommunikation und Management .
- Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: DPRG Wissenschaftspreisshow detailsLink, Jeanne (Strategische Kommunikation)awarded in 2022 by Deutsche Public Relations Gesellschaft e. V. .
- Publikationspreis: Baylor University Department of Journalism, Public Relations & New Media Top Ethics Paper Awardshow detailsLink, Jeanne (Strategische Kommunikation)awarded in 2022 by Baylor University, Texas.
- Andere Stipendien/Forschungspreise: Günter-Thiele-Preis für herausragende Masterarbeitenshow detailsLink, Jeanne (Strategische Kommunikation)awarded in 2021 by Günter-Thiele-Stiftung für Kommunikation und Management .
Internal communication
The lecture introduces the basics of internal communication and provides an overview of the field. Alongside an introduction, current challenges such as the (intercultural) diversity of workforces or dealing with virtual teams are examined.
Quantitative research methods
This seminar provides an overview of quantitative research and enables participants to design and carry out a quantitative research project. Students deal with empirical and ethical research premises, acquire knowledge about quantitative survey methods and design their own research project in small groups on varying topics.
Strategic campaigning
The seminar provides an overview on campaign planning in communication management and concept theory. In addition to theoretical basics, strategic and operational elements of campaign planning are taught and practiced using examples. Participants then apply what they have learned to practical case studies in group work.