Thilo Lang ist Abteilungsleiter und Forschungsbereichskoordinator am Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde in Leipzig. Nach dem Studium der Raum- und Umweltplanung (TU Kaiserslautern) und Stadtplanung (TU Hamburg-Harburg) promovierte Thilo Lang im Fach Humangeographie an der Universität Potsdam und an der Durham University (UK) zu lokaler Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Großbritannien und Deutschland aus einer institutionentheoretischen Perspektive. Zuvor war er Projektmanager in der ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH (Potsdam) und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung in Erkner. Dr. Lang forscht zu den Themenfeldern Raumentwicklung und regionaler Wandel, Urban Governance und Resilienz sowie zur lokalen und sozialen Ökonomie, vor allem im Kontext demographischer und wirtschaftlicher Krisen in Deutschland, Mittel- und Osteuropa.
Berufliche Laufbahn
- seit 10/2016
Dozent für das Modul Raum, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft im Studiengang European Studies am Global and European Studies Institute der Uni Leipzig - 04/2019 - 12/2019
Gastdozent an der Lettischen Universität, Geographie, Riga - seit 11/2009
Leiter der Abteilung Regionale Geographie Europas; Leiter des Forschungsbereichs Multiple Geographien regionaler und lokaler Entwicklung am Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde (IfL) - 10/2006 - 09/2009
Projektkoordinator in der ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH - 05/2005 - 08/2006
DAAD Research Fellow an der Durham University, Department of Geography - 07/2003 - 09/2003
Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Sheffield, Department of Town and Regional Planning - 08/2002 - 02/2006
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung
- 04/2004 - 07/2008
Promotionsvorhaben zum Dr. rer. nat. (Universität Potsdam und Durham University/ UK): "Institutional Perspectives of Local Development in Germany and England - a Comparative Study about Regeneration in Old Industrial Towns Experiencing Decline" - 10/1996 - 07/2002
Studium der Raum- und Umweltplanung in Kaiserslautern und Stadtplanung in Hamburg (Abschluss: Diplom)
Thilo holds a PhD in Human Geography and a diploma in urban and regional planning. Thilo is co-editor of Palgrave’s New Geographies of Europe book series and has published widely on issues of 'peripheral' geographies of innovation, regional resilience, local and regional development as well as planning and development beyond growth. He co-ordinates the research cluster Multiple Geographies of Europe and focusses his own research on the development of non-core and peripheralised regions as well as small and medium-sized towns in Germany and Europe in the context of wider economic and institutional transformations.
Thilo works along major divides currently characterising spatial research such as core-periphery, structure-agency, formal-informal, rational-social and utilises a number of critical (political) perspectives on social, spatial and economic development. His research puts a focus on qualitative and comparative methodologies but often takes its starting point in complex quantitative analyses.
I am teaching about the fundamental interrelations between spatial development, economic development and wider societal trends on the basis of critical theories. Globalisation, migration, transformation, privatisation/neoliberalisation, etc. are processes which affect space in different ways and result in various forms of socio-spatial, political and economic polarisation on different spatial scales. Further topics are:
- classic and alternative concepts to innovation, economic and regional development
- complex scientific concepts and theories on regional development from a political economy perspective (keywords: knowledge regions, cluster policies and economic development, creative industries, innovation, global integration, local economy, social economy)
- the interrelations of globalisation and regional development in a social and societal understanding of the economy based on a socio-spatial justice approach
- imbalances in the global economy as well as the current trade regime; roles do different world regions in the increasing internationalisation of economic relations
- mediating the global economy through powerful agents such as states, international organisations and multi-national enterprises
- alternatives providing a different understanding of the economy and offering other potentials for more balanced, just and sustainable development
- relevance of spatial imaginations.
Raum, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft II
The seminar focusses on globalisation and regional development in a social and societal understanding of the economy. The internationalisation of economic development is critically discussed concerning issues of socio-spatial justice. With the objective to learn about the interrelations between economic activity, regional development and societal imaginations, the seminar aims to facilitate a better understanding of how economic development "works" in Europe.
Raum, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft I
The course provides knowledge on the fundamental interrelations between territorial development, economic development and societal trends as well as critical theories and models to explain and analyse current spatial developments in Europe. Using a comparative perspective, course participants will have a closer look on the most important processes of socio-spatial restructuring in Europe in the context of globalisation. The course comprises an excursion in Leipzig.