
Prof. Dr. Anne Bartsch and her team deal with media use, media effects and empirical methods in their research and teaching. The thematic focus of the professorship is in the areas of political communication, media entertainment, and health communication.

The research fields of entertainment and political communication are combined in the third-party funded project „Political  Communication at the Interface of Entertainment and Information“ funded by the German Research Foundation. Other projects in this area deal with the role of empathy in processing socially relevant information and in political deliberation processes.

In the field of health communication, we are involved in various projects with the communicative influence of health-related attitudes, especially with people with problematic attitudes, whether this be from a medical or normative perspective. The professorship is also involved in the Cluster of Excellence "Understanding Obesity" proposed by the University of Leipzig. Its focus on health communication examines the portrayal of people in the media who are overweight, in particular the possible positive contribution of the media to reducing stigma and promoting health-conscious behavior.

Another research focus is the perception of depictions of violence in entertainment media. In particular, we are interested in the role of reflected processing against the background of eudaimonic usage motives, for example in the question of whether such processing processes can cushion the negative effects of depictions of violence.


In addition to Professor Bartsch, the team currently consists of four academic employees, three student assistants, and the secretary’s office.


Prof. Dr. Anne Bartsch

Prof. Dr. Anne Bartsch


Empirical Communication and Media Research
Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Secretary’s Office

 Sylvia Hellmuth

Sylvia Hellmuth


Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Office hours
Im Semester: Mo-Do 8-15 Uhr, Fr home office 8-15 Uhr, Semesterfreie Zeit: Mo-Mi 8-15 Uhr, Do u. Fr home office 8-15 Uhr

 Christal Bürgel

Christal Bürgel

Research Fellow

Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung (per e-mail)

Dr. Felix Frey

Dr. Felix Frey

Research Fellow

Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail)

Dr. Freya Sukalla

Dr. Freya Sukalla

Academic Staff

Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail)

 Celine Dorrani

Celine Dorrani

Research Fellow

Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig


We conduct research on current topics in the fields of media entertainment, political communication, online communication, persuasion research, and health communication. We focus on the individual media users, their knowledge, their emotions, attitudes, and communicative practices.


A psychophysiological experimental laboratory and two group laboratories are available for research and method training. In addition, parts of the TV program (particularly news programs) and online content have been systematically recorded since 1993.

Contact & Directions


Universität Leipzig

Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft

Professur für Empirische ­Kommunikations- ­und ­Medien­forschung I          

Nikolaistr. 27-29, 2. Obergeschoss

04109 Leipzig


Universität Leipzig

Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft

Professur für Empirische ­Kommunikations- ­und ­Medien­forschung I              

IPF 165121



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