Studied journalism and communication science at the KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Professional experience in journalism and PR.
2009-2014 research. Associate at the University of Passau, 2013 Prize for Good Teaching, award for the best conference paper (young academics) of the PR/Organizational Communication Section (DGPuK) and ICA Top Student Paper Award. 2014 PhD on mobile journalism.
2014 appointed junior professor for online communication at Leipzig University, since 2020 professor for online communication. Since 2015 Erasmus+ Coordinator of the IfKMW. Founded the Center for Entrepreneurship Communication in 2019; spokesperson since 2023. Award for outstanding teaching at IfKWM 2022, 2023, and 2024. Since 2021 establishment of the reception and production lab immerse! Project manager in the interdisciplinary joint project EasyQuart-Plus (BMWK, 2024-2026). Mentor in the Gertrude J. Robinson program (DGPuK) and t.e.a.m. funding program (UL).
Professional career
- since 10/2020
University Professor for Online Communicationat the Institute for Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig - 10/2014 - 09/2020
Junior Professor for Online Communication (with tenure track) at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies at the University of Leipzig - 10/2010 - 09/2014
Research Associate at the Chair of Computer-Mediated Communication (Prof. Dr. Thomas Knieper) at the University of Passau - 04/2009 - 09/2010
Research Associate at the Chair of Communication Science (Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld) at the University of Passau
- 04/2009 - 01/2014
Doctoral student with Prof. Dr. Ralf Hohlfeld at the University of Passau - 04/2003 - 02/2008
Degree in Journalism at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Major subject: Journalism, minor subjects: cultural and economic geography, political science, sociology and Philosophy
- Media change, digital transformation and institutionalization of new media
- Cross-media, digital and mobile strategies of organizations
- Multimedia forms of presentation, cross- and transmedia storytelling for corporate media and in journalism
- Strategic communication management for non-profit organizations and start-ups
- Science, innovation and acceptance communication
- EASyQuart-Plus: Energy-efficient design and planning of decentralized supply networks for heating and cooling of urban districts using the shallow geological space - digitization and practical effectivenessWolf, CorneliaDuration: 12/2023 – 12/2026Funded by: BMWK Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und KlimaschutzInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Online Kommunikation
- Prospects of Estonian and German local independent media in the era of global platformisation, disinformation campaigns and political populismWolf, CorneliaDuration: 07/2020 – 12/2020Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Online Kommunikation
- Social Intranet fields of application in the non-profit sectorWolf, CorneliaDuration: 10/2019 – 10/2020Funded by: Vereine/GesellschaftInvolved organisational units of Leipzig University: Online Kommunikation; Strategische Kommunikation
- Start-up Communication CompassWolf, CorneliaDuration: 09/2023 – 09/2024Involved organisational units of Leipzig University: Online Kommunikation
- Wolf, C.; Godulla, A.Journalismus und Unternehmenskommunikation: Strukturen und Wandel der ZusammenarbeitIn: Zerfaß, A.; Röttger, U.; Piwinger, M. (Eds.)Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation. Strategie – Management – Wertschöpfung. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. 2022. pp. 311–328.ISBN: 978-3-658-22932-0
- Wolf, C.; Godulla, A.Darstellungsformen im erzählenden OnlinejournalismusIn: Meier, K.; Neuberger, C. (Eds.)Journalismusforschung. Stand und Perspektiven. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 2023. pp. –161.ISBN: 978-3-8487-8472-1
- Wolf, C.; Bendahan Bitton, D.; Ziegele, D. A.Learning from research on founder centricity in start-ups: A framework for intra-and entrepreneurship in journalismIn: Godulla, A.; Böhm, S. (Eds.)Digital Disruption and Media Transformation: How Technological Innovation Shapes the Future of Communication. Springer. 2023. pp. 243–255.
- Wolf, C.; Planer, R.; Godulla, A.The ecosystem of editorial product innovation: A systematic literature analysis on internal factors and external actors in journalistic media organisationsStudies in Communication and Media. 2024. 13 (3). pp. 317–346.
- Wolf, C.; Bendahan Bitton, D.; Freudl, V. G.; Buchmann, K.Geothermie in den MedienUniversität Leipzig. Leipzig. 2024.
- Andere herausragende Auszeichnungen: Preis für herausragende Lehre des Instituts für Kommunikations- und Medi-enwissenschaftshow detailsWolf, Cornelia (Online Kommunikation)awarded in 2023 by Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft.
- Andere herausragende Auszeichnungen: Preis für Gute Lehreshow detailsWolf, Cornelia (Online Kommunikation)awarded in 2013 by Universität Passau.
- Publikationspreis: Top Student Paper Awardshow detailsWolf, Cornelia (Online Kommunikation)awarded in 2013 by Mass Communication Division der International Communication Association (ICA).
- Publikationspreis: Bester Tagungsbeitrag einer Nachwuchswissenschaftlerin/eines Nach-wuchswissenschaftlersshow detailsWolf, Cornelia (Online Kommunikation)awarded in 2013 by Fachgruppe PR/Organisationskommunikation der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK) .
- Andere herausragende Auszeichnungen: Preis für herausragende Lehre des Instituts für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaftshow detailsWolf, Cornelia (Online Kommunikation)awarded in 2024 by Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft .
MA Communication Management:
- Module responsibility for the modules "Digitalization, Technological Innovations and Content" (V Digital Transformation and Communication Trends), "Nonprofit Organizations and Communication" (S Nonprofit Communication), "Research Module I: Strategic Communication" (Project Seminar: Research and Transfer Project Strategic Communication), Research Module II: Communication Management) and Research Module III: Corporate Communication"
MSc Journalism:
- Module responsibility for the modules "Narrativity in Journalism" (S Storytelling, Ü Visual Storytelling) and "Nonprofit Organizations and Communication" (S Nonprofit Communication)
BA Communication and Media Studies:
- Module responsibility for the modules "Theories and Research Concepts of Communication Management, Research Project I" and "Implementation and Evaluation of a Research Project on Communication Management in, Research Project II" (there: S Start-up Communication)
Multi-media scrollytelling projects in M.Sc. journalism
Module Narrativity in journalism
2023 Megatrend mobility:
2021 Megatrend knowledge culture:
2020 Megatrend urbanization:
2019: The fascination of space:
Research and transfer projects in the M.A. Communication Management
Management of application-oriented empirical projects in cooperation with organizations
- General Atlantic, Sunfire, Staffbase: Start-up Communication Compass
- Stiftung Warentest: Digital communication strategy in foundation communication
- Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe: Digital mental health communication for adolescents and young adults
- MDR: Communication concept for conveying the (social) performance of MDR to young population groups
Research fields
Communication and media studies
Online communication
Media change and new media technologies
Digital journalism
Science communication (especially geothermal energy)
Start-up communication, founder centricity
nonprofit communication