Leipzig, with its long traditions of cultural and economic exchange to the West and the East, as well as to the North and the South of the continent, is located at the centre of Europe. Thus, it goes without saying that Europeanisation is seen not only as an expansion of Western patterns to the East, but also as a creative process of adaptation and mutual influence.

enlarge the image: Gruppenfoto der Vertreter:innen der Universiät Leipzig bei der Arqus Jahresversammlung auf einer Treppe in einem Saal verteilt stehend und in die Kamera lächelnd
Vertreter:innen der Universiät Leipzig bei der Arqus Jahresversammlung in Padua 2022, Foto: Josephine Petzold

The Study of European Studies at Leipzig University ist is part of the Joint Arqus Master's Programme, offered together with the universities in Graz, Granadaand Vilnius.

Our areas of specialization are the relations between East and West; transnational perspectives; global conflict management; cultural representation in current European societies; and the entanglements between Europeanisation and globalisation. European Studies students in Leipzig study closely together with students of our international MA programmes in Global Studies and benefit from the expertise of researchers from university and non-university research centers:

Research Centeer Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe)


Leibniz-Institute for Regional Geography 

Leibniz-Institute for Jewsish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow (DI)

Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt

We also cooperate closely with civil society initiatives such as the EuropaHaus Leipzig e.V.