The philosophy of Cognitive Anthropology enquires into the relationship between the humanities and cognitive sciences especially in the context of human development.

Participation in the international virtual research network on "Development of Intellectual Humility", which is funded by the Templeton Foundation (USA).

Research is conducted into, on the one hand, the conceptual definition of the virtue of "intellectual humility", and on the other hand, the empirical investigation of the development of this virtue in early childhood.

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Prof. Dr. Kristina Musholt

Prof. Dr. Kristina Musholt


Cognitive Anthropology
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room H2 1.02
04107 Leipzig

Office hours
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Research Projects

Virtuelles Research Network „Development of Intellectual Humility”

Participation in the international virtual research network on "Development of Intellectual Humility", which is funded by the Templeton Foundation (USA). On the one hand, research is conducted on the conceptual definition of the virtue of "intellectual humility", and on the other hand, the empirical investigation of the development of this virtue in early childhood.

Academic Staff of the Project

Dr. Katharina Anna Helming

Dr. Marie Schäfer

The development of intellectual modesty


Dr. Katrin Felgenhauer

Dr. Katrin Felgenhauer


Institut für Philosophie
Geisteswiss. Zentrum
Beethovenstraße 15, Room H2 0.01
04107 Leipzig

Student Assistants

Benno Albert Zimmermann

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