Here you will find information on the recognition of academic credits from previous studies, studies abroad, or vocational training for the B.A. Communication and Media Studies, as well as on the placement in a higher semester of the B.A. Communication and Media Studies in the context of a change of study program. Information on the recognition of credits or changes of study program in other (master) study programs of the institute can be found at the respective study program information.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Recognition of Credits for the B.A. Communication and Media Studies
How does the recognition process work?
Generally speaking, the students must follow the following steps:
- Find out in detail about the possibilities of recognition, in particular about the module content and scope as well as the necessary documents to be submitted. The basis for this is provided by the leaflets (see below), the detailed process description and this FAQ.
- Fill out the necessary forms and attach all documents that are necessary for the examination of the application for recognition. You can find the forms here. If you have any questions about the recognition of credits or about filling out the forms that are not answered by the information provided on the website, please contact the HELPDESK
- Use the contact form (link at the bottom) to apply for recognition of achievements or placement in a higher semester.
- Wait for the feedback from the exam board. It can take six to eight weeks for the application to be reviewed and processed.
When is the recognition of credits possible?
Credits can be recognized as soon as modules have been completed which correspond in terms of module content and scope (credit points) to a module in the B.A Communication and Media Studies. All modules in the B.A. Communication and Media Studies are 10 credits. A recognition of two thematically similar modules, each with a smaller amount of credit points, in replacement of a module of the B.A. Communication and Media Studies is possible. A crediting of parts of a module is not possible. Multiple recognition of credits in several modules is also not possible, with the exception of credits earned in a double bachelor’s degree. Professional experience/internships and professional training can be recognized as an internship in the key qualification area if you meet the general content and formal requirements (see information in the corresponding menu item below); it is also possible to credit foreign experience and language courses completed abroad or at the Language Center of the University of Leipzig (see information below in the key qualification area).
It is possible to have already-completed credits recognized if:
- Coursework was completed as part of a stay abroad (e.g. ERASMUS), or if
- A change of course (within and outside the University of Leipzig) was made, or if
- A double degree is completed at the University of Leipzig (recognition of credits of the other bachelor's degree in the elective area of the B.A. Communication and Media Studies), or if
- Credits from a first degree completed at the University of Leipzig or any other University exist.
The obligation to submit an application for recognition exists if a placement in a higher semester of the B.A. Communication and Media Studies has taken place.
Which deadlines and processing times have to be observed?
In principle, the recognition of credits is always possible. However, the regular application deadlines (in the case of a placement) and, if applicable, the deadlines for module registrations should be observed in order to be able to ensure that the credits are recognized in good time. The six to eight-week processing time for the application for recognition by the examination board must be taken into account.
Please also take into account delays due to vacation during the semester break.
Applications for placement certificates for an application for a higher semester of the BA KMW must be submitted at least four weeks before the application deadline.
Which documents must be submitted?
Which documents are required for the recognition of credits depends on the respective request. In the contact form for the application, you will be given the necessary forms and documents depending on your request.
a) Application for the recognition of credits in general:
- Transcript of Records (ToR), issued by the examination office of the university concerned
- Official module descriptions of the university at which the recognized credits were completed
b) Recognition after a semester abroad (e.g. ERASMUS):
- Transcript of Records (ToR) or other proof of performance as well as official module descriptions from the university abroad
- Pre-filled Erasmus form "Recognition results at Leipzig University" (for Erasmus+)
- Learning Agreement (Tables A1/A2, B1/B2), especially in case of changes
- If recognition as module SQ32a "International Experience" is intended: pre-filled form "Confirmation..." SQ32, available for download after registration in the Moodle course of the Language Center
(link to information of the Language Center)
c) Application for classification for application to a higher semester of the BA KMW:
- Proof of academic achievements (Transcript of Records)
- Information on the credits intended for recognition (e.g. module descriptions)
- if possible, pre-filled form "Anrechnungsbescheid"
d) Application for recognition of practical experience as an internship:
- Form internship F2 (here)
- Internship/employment certificate
- Internship report (One page for a short internship, eight to ten pages for a long internship) with a description of the tasks, activities, and study and job-related qualifications acquired through the internship
- Short letter (max. one page) justifying the application for crediting the training/experience
"Core subject", "elective area" and "SQ"? The module areas explained.
Core subject (total 120 CP)
The core subject includes compulsory and elective modules in the KMW's range of courses, as well as the bachelor's thesis and the BA colloquium.
Elective area (total 30 credit points)
The elective area comprises freely selectable modules in the area of humanities and social sciences (except Communication and Media Studies). Alternatively, a core subject top-up is also possible: modules from Communication and Media Studies offered for the elective area (which have not yet been completed) can therefore be taken and credited in the elective area. Language courses of the Language Center cannot be credited in the elective area, but only in the SQ area.
Key qualification area (total 30 credit points)
The key qualification area comprises two key qualification modules (20 credit points) from the freely selectable, inter-faculty list of courses. Alternatively to this offer, any otherwise not credited credits earned abroad (also language courses) can be recognized as the key qualification 32a module "International Experience" (10 credit points). Information on this can be found on the LANGUAGE CENTER page. In addition, language courses of the Language Center of the University of Leipzig can be credited to the extent of 10 credit points as long as they have this extent and are concluded with an exam.
The remaining 10 credit points are earned after an eight-week internship. Alternatively, all 30 credit points of the key qualification area can be earned via a long internship (six months).
Where can I find all the important information on the recognition of credits earned abroad?
You will find the most important information on the recognition of credits abroad in the fact sheet linked below.
How are grades earned from a study abroad (e.g. ERASMUS) converted?
For the conversion of grades, internal suggestions of the International Office of the University of Leipzig (AAA) are on hand. In addition, there are some relevant conversion tables from the Universities of Bonn and Konstanz which are consulted if necessary. Students who have completed their semester abroad at universities outside of Europe are asked to submit further conversion tables known to them for their specific host country in order to be able to transfer grade values in a meaningful and fair manner.
How can credits earned during a study abroad (e.g. ERASMUS) be recognized as an external key qualification?
On the one hand, you can receive credit for language courses completed during your stay abroad (with a passed exam). Language courses are credited via the examination board of the Language Center.
There is also the independent module SQ32a (International Experience). Within this module, all achievements from abroad that are not or have not been recognized elsewhere (as a module in the core subject, elective area or SQ area) can be flexibly recognized. These achievements must comprise at least 10 credit points. Recognition is also administered by the Examination Board of the Language Center. However, in order to have credits recognized, the KMW examination management must confirm that these credits have not already been/will not be recognized elsewhere. The relevant form and further information on the procedure can be found in a Moodle course at the Language Center (see information and link on the Language Center website). Please upload the pre-filled form in the course of the recognition application in the contact form; the signed confirmation will then be sent back to you for independent upload in the Moodle course of the Language Center.
Further information can be found on the LANGUAGE CENTER WEBSITE.
Do I have to complete a total of 30 credit points during my study abroad (e.g. ERASMUS) in order to have credits recognition?
No, you do not have to obtain a minimum number of credits from your study abroad in order for them to be recognized. Just as you can theoretically receive 30 credit points, you can also receive five or no credit points at all. Before you start your study abroad, please inform yourself about the rules for the granting of scholarships, such as ERASMUS or via the DAAD. Here it is quite common that a minimum number of credit points is required. A first overview of the possibilities at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies and further links can be found here.
Muss ich mich bei einem Studiengangswechsel zwingend für ein höheres Fachsemester bewerben um erbrachte Leistungen anrechnen lassen zu können?
Nein, bereits erbrachte Leistungen können immer angerechnet werden, unabhängig davon, ob Sie sich ins 1. Fachsemester oder in ein höheres Fachsemester immatrikulieren. Die Entscheidung, für welches Fachsemester Sie sich bewerben, sollten Sie deshalb eher an den Zulassungschancen ausrichten: Diese sind bei Bewerbungen für das 1. Fachsemester in der Regel besser zu kalkulieren als für Bewerbungen für höhere Fachsemester. Für die Zulassung zum 1. Fachsemester sind vor allem die Abiturnote und ggf. die Zahl der Wartsemester ausschlaggebend und aufgrund der in etwa konstanten Zahl der Studienplätze und Bewerber ist der NC vergleichsweise stabil. Die Zulassungschancen in höhere Fachsemester hängen unter anderem von der Auslastung des Studiengangs in den betreffenden Fachsemestern, der (stark schwankenden) Zahl der Mitbewerberinnen für dieses Fachsemester und deren Zusammensetzung (Höherstufung innerhalb Studiengang, Studienortwechsel, Studiengangswechsler) sowie ihren bisherigen Studienleistungen, der Abiturnote und ggf. dem Los ab (weitere Informationen dazu HIER).
Under what conditions is placement in a higher semester of the B.A. Communication and Media Studies possible?
Placement in a higher semester of the B.A. Communication and Media Studies is possible as soon as a minimum number of credit points has been earned in the Communication and Media Studies institute. This is a case-by-case decision; the credits to be included should have been acquired in completed modules. The number of credits earned is decisive for the placement:
- Placement in the 2nd semester (SuSe): 30 credit points, of which at least 20 credit points are in the area of Communication and Media Studies
- Placement in the 3rd semester (WiSe): 60 credit points, of which at least 40 credit points are in the area of Communication and Media Studies
- Placement in the 4th semester (SuSe): 90 credit points, of which at least 60 credit points are in the area of Communication and Media Studies
- Placement in the 5th semester (WiSe): 120 credit points, of which at least 90 credit points are in the area of Communication and Media Studies
For a successful application for a higher semester, the placement notification issued by the exam board must be submitted to the Student Secretary's office with the regular online application. All documents required for the placement test must be received by the exam board three weeks before the online application deadline.
Successful placement (registration in the B.A. Communication and Media Studies) does not mean the credits have been recognized, which is why an application for recognition of the credits must then be submitted (for more information, see “How does the recognition process work?”). So you first submit the application for placement, then after successful matriculation the application for recognition.
Can I have credits recognized which are from a completed or discontinued course of study?
Yes, both credits from a previous completed course of study and a discontinued course of study at Leipzig University or another university can be recognized. Depending on the content, these can be core subject, elective, and key qualification modules.
Do the requirements differ between the winter and summer semesters?
Enrollment in the 1st semester of the B.A. Communication and Media Studies is generally only possible in the winter semester. This results in a rhythm that is decisive for the placement in higher semesters. In principle, applicants for a higher semester in the winter semester can only start in the 3rd or 5th semester. Only the 2nd and 4th semester are eligible for placement in the summer semester.
Is it necessary to submit an online application to change courses?
Yes. If you want to change to a higher semester, the procedure and deadlines published by the Student Secretary's office apply. Attention: If you change to a higher semester with admission restrictions, the deadlines are much earlier than for higher semesters without admission restrictions.
For successful enrollment, admission to the desired semester and placement in the same semester are required. Registration cannot take place with only one of the two notifications or if the subject semesters of admission and placement differ.
Can modules currently being taken be considered for my application for placement even before they have been completed?
Modules can only be considered if there is proof that they have actually been passed. The credit points can be taken into account for a preliminary examination and assessment, but a placement in a higher semester is only possible if all the necessary evidence is available. Since you have to apply online for a higher semester at the University of Leipzig and do not yet need the notification of placement, we recommend that you contact the relevant exam board for a preliminary examination.
What documents are required for placement and recognition?
Information on the required forms can be found above under "General" and in the contact form.
How does the application for a higher semester for foreign applicants work?
Information on the application process for applicants who do not have a German university entrance qualification (Abitur or recognized degree), but are already enrolled at the University of Leipzig or another German university and want to apply for a higher semester in the B. A. Communication and Media Study can be found on the WEBSITE OF THE INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT (Please note the respective deadlines and procedures).
Since the notification of placement in this procedure must be submitted with the application, please submit an application for placement in a higher semester to the B. A. Communication and Media Studies exam board as early as possible. Only on the basis of the documents you have submitted can a decision be made as to whether placement is possible and in which semester you can be placed. The further process is not in the hands of the exam board, but in the AAA and the student secretary's office of the University of Leipzig. Only when the AAA receives the information from the student secretary's office that the desired place on the course is free will admission be granted.
Separate regulations apply to applicants from China, Vietnam and Mongolia.
Can internships or traineeships be credited?
In general, internships can be credited if they were completed according to existing study regulations and fit the Communication and Media Studies subject area. That means:
- If a mandatory internship was completed and recognized during the course of study at another university, this can be recognized without further ado.
- If a voluntary internship was completed at another university during, after or before your studies, this cannot be recognized.
- If a mandatory internship was completed during the course of study at another university, for which no credit points were received (e.g. due to a change to the University of Leipzig), the student himself/herself must contact the respective department representative regarding the internship and consult with them as to whether the internship can be recognized and whether an internship report may need to be submitted later. If the departmental representative recognizes the internship, the corresponding credit points can be awarded during the crediting process.
- It is not possible to add several internships together.
- Voluntary activities in the context of the university (e.g. one-year head of department at student associations such as Mephisto, MTP, etc.) can be counted as an internship.
The recognition of traineeship periods (including vocational training) can vary in extent depending on their Communication and Media Studies-relevant proportions: If, for example, training in the field of PR/marketing/journalism has been completed, this can be recognized as a long internship with 30 credit points. If, for example, it is an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk, this can only be recognized as a short internship with 10 credit points since only the time spent in the PR/marketing/journalism area count.
Are modules recognized within the elective area of B.A. Communication and Media Studies if they are not a part of the regular elective courses belonging to the humanities and social sciences?
In principle, there is no problem with the recognition of any modules that are not listed in the free elective area but belong to a humanities or social science subject. Since many students in the B. A. Communication and Media Studies are also very interested in economics modules, these are also easily recognized for the electives. Modules from other subjects are examined individually.
The recognition of modules in the elective area of the B. A. Communication and Media Studies runs directly through the exam board, so confirmation from other institutes is not necessary.
Language courses of the University Language Center cannot be credited in the elective area, but only in the area of key qualifications (up to a maximum of 10 credit points, if they have a corresponding scope and conclude with an examination).
I am not studying in the B.A. Communication and Media Studies, but I would like to have a module recognized in my course that is assigned to the Communication and Media Studies. Who shall I talk to?
In this case, please contact your own institute's exam board directly. It is not necessary for the module to be checked and confirmed by the B.A. Communication and Media Studies exam board. Each institute of the humanities and social sciences decides for itself which modules are recognized in the elective area.
Can language courses from the University Language Center be credited in the BA KMW?
Yes, language courses from the University Language Center can be credited up to a maximum of 10 CP in the area of key qualifications (not in the elective area).
The prerequisite for crediting is that the language course has a corresponding workload and concludes with an examination.
Here you will find information on the procedure as well as templates and forms for submitting an application.
In order to submit an application for the recognition of credits in the B. A. Communication and Media Studies, please fill out the necessary templates/forms as far as possible. You can find a list of the necessary documents for various cases under "General" above, the templates below under "Documents, Templates, Forms". Submit the application using the contact form below; have the necessary documents ready for uploading.
Please only use the contact form to contact us and apply for crediting.
Please note the information on this website and in the form. Only applications that have been completed in full and submitted with all necessary attachments will be processed.