Datum/Uhrzeit: bis
Ort: Vortragssaal UB, Albertina, Beethovenstr. 6, 04107 Leipzig

Die Konferenz wird organisiert von Adrian Haddock und Jonas Held.

A fundamental concern of the early and the later Wittgenstein is language and its significance for philosophy. By centring on the concept of expression, and in particular on how this concept figures in the work of Wittgenstein, this workshop seeks to explore the ways in which attention to language can inform, and potentially transform our understanding of a range of philosophical concerns. These include: the nexus between mind and world; the asymmetry between self and other; the possibility of personal identity over time; the idea of conceptual articulation; and the very idea of a theory of meaning.



Stina Bäckström (Södertörn/Leipzig)

David Finkelstein (Chicago)

Adrian Haddock (Leipzig)

Jonas Held (Leipzig)

Eylem Özaltun (Koç)

Maria van der Schaar (Leiden)

James Shaw (Pittsburgh)

Peter Sullivan (Stirling)


Programm folgt.