
Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges and his team consider the focus of the institute - the change in media and society - primarily from a structural and process-related perspective.

We are interested in the conditions, rules, and consequences of communication with different degrees of publicity and through different media. In research, teaching, and through different media, we both theoretically and empirically deal with

  • the political, economic, legal, cultural, and technical framework of communication and media structures
  • the change in these structures in the face of digitization, convergence and the economization of media communication
  • the possibilities of their design, be it through state regulation or forms of governance (e.g. on the part of private or civil society organizations)
  • the consequences of this change, such as changes in organizations (especially in politics, the media itself or science) and social processes (such as the decision-making process in democratic public spheres)
  • the analysis and development of standards for the assessment and design of communication structures and processes
  • the promotion of communication structures and processes that serve social development in Germany and other countries

With our social scientific perspective on the structural conditions, change and social consequences of media, public, and personal communication, we develop interfaces to other scientific disciplines, such as sociology, political science, economics, (social) psychology, ethics, cultural studies, and media law. 


In addition to Professor Donges, the team currently consists of five research associates and the secretary’s office. The team also includes project staff, honorary professors, and student employees.


Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges

Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges


Communication Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 3.07
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35711

Office hours
Wednesday 1:00-2:00pm


 Sylvia Hellmuth

Sylvia Hellmuth


Empirical Communication and Media Research
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 2.05
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35740

Office hours
Im Semester: Mo-Do 8-15 Uhr, Fr home office 8-15 Uhr, Semesterfreie Zeit: Mo-Mi 8-15 Uhr, Do u. Fr home office 8-15 Uhr

Dr. Dirk Arnold

Dr. Dirk Arnold

Research Fellow

Communication Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 3.05
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35708

Office hours
nach Vereinbarung (per E-Mail)

Dr. Kefajatullah Hamidi

Dr. Kefajatullah Hamidi

Research Fellow

Communication Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 3.08
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35712

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Prof. Dr. Arnulf Kutsch

Professor im Ruhestand

Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-35710

 Antonia Mielke Möglich

Antonia Mielke Möglich

Research Fellow

Communication Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 3.01
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35783

Prof. Dr. Helmuth Neupert

Prof. Dr. Helmuth Neupert

Adjunct Professor

Institute of Communication and Media Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29
04109 Leipzig

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Maren Reitler

Research Fellow

Communication Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 3.01
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35714


Contact and Directions

 Sylvia Hellmuth

Sylvia Hellmuth


Communication Studies
Nikolaistraße 27-29, Room 2.05
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35740

Office hours
Im Semester: Mo-Do 8-15 Uhr, Fr home office 8-15 Uhr, Semesterfreie Zeit: Mo-Mi 8-15 Uhr, Do u. Fr home office 8-15 Uhr


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