Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy
work Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Beethovenstraße 1504107 Leipzig
Phone: work +49 341 97 - 35600 Fax: fax +49 341 97 - 35699
Dean Prof. Dr. Astrid Lorenz
Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Patrick Donges
Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schneider
Deanery Barbara Harrmann
Secretariat Carola Vater
Institutes & Facilities
The Institute of Political Science offers three courses leading to a bachelor’s and master’s degree, as well as four teacher training courses in Social studies/Legal education(/Economics) with a state examination degree.
First of all, study organisation means above all: self-organisation. We can help you with that.
We can help you here. You will also find a collection of internal forms for studying at the institute.
Shortly before the start of each semester, you will have to register for your modules and courses.
What needs to be considered?
Are you changing your course or university? Are you coming back from abroad? This is how crediting works.
A six-week mandatory internship is included in the Political Science bachelor’s as well as master's degree.
Whether studying in special life situations, doubts, thoughts of dropping out: Counseling services easily explained
The Institute of Political Science maintains 35 partnerships with institutes in Europe as part of the Erasmus+ program. However, students also use other programs to study internationally or as guest students at our institute.
A degree in political science opens up a wide range of career opportunities. Look what has become of our institute's alumni.