Study programs

Our range of courses

The Institute of Political Science offers three courses leading to a bachelor’s and master’s degree, as well as four teacher training courses in Social studies/Legal education(/Economics) with a state examination degree.

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Study Organisation

First of all, study organisation means above all: self-organisation. We can help you with that.

Foto: Christian Hüller
Der Computerpool im Neuen Augusteum (Foto: Christian Hüller)
Szenenaufnahme: Zwei Frauen in einem Büro sitzen sich am Tisch gegenüber und sprechen miteinander.
Schriftzug „Praktikum” in einem Notizbuch. Daneben eine Hand, die einen Füllhalter hält.


Foto: Verschiedene Tageszeitungen liegen aufgefächert auf einer Fläche

Bye and Welcome!

The Institute of Political Science maintains 35 partnerships with institutes in Europe as part of the Erasmus+ program. However, students also use other programs to study internationally or as guest students at our institute.

Career Prospects

Foto: Dozentin steht vor Zuhörenden.

Alumni of the Institute

A degree in political science opens up a wide range of career opportunities. Look what has become of our institute's alumni.

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