You need 180 credit points to successfully complete the bachelor's degree in Communication and Media Studies. You will receive these credit points if you pass the module exams and the bachelor's thesis. On this page, you will find all important information about exams and the bachelor's thesis.

Information for students in the “old” B.A. Communication and Media Studies (2012)

For students of the "old" B. A. Communication and Media Studies (Exam regulations 2012), a regular completion of their program is guaranteed: If the standard period of study and the proposed course of study plan are observed, all modules for students who were enrolled up to the winter semester 2018/19 will be offered regularly until the end of their studies. If compulsory modules are still required after the last offer, this is only possible via equivalences and credits. Detailed information on continuing your studies can be found in the leaflet.
Information on the structure of the "old" B. A. Communication and Media Studies can be found below on this page until further notice.
In addition, the "old" study documents (exam regulations, study regulations, module descriptions) are permanently available.


Außerdem sind die „alten” Studiendokumente (Prüfungsordnung, Studienordnung, Modulbeschreibungen) dauerhaft verfügbar.

Academic Advising

General advice and information on topics not related to the subject (degree program system, changing majors, application, study abroad) can be obtained from the central student advisory service and the STUDENT SERVICE CENTER (SSZ) of the university.

The FACULTY’S STUDY OFFICE (Helpdesk) provides information on the application process, the admission requirements and the formal and organizational framework. You will also find information and frequently asked questions about applying for a Master's degree there

If you have any questions about the structure, general organization, and content of the Communication and Media Studies degree, please try to clarify them first with the help of the study documents and the COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA STUDIES STUDY GUIDE from the faculty’s helpdesk.

In addition, further information and contact persons for special requests are available:

  • Studying abroad: Information about the erasmus programm
  • Exam matters: Information about the exam board of the B. A. Communication and Media Studies and information on changing majors 
  • Internship in the B. A. Communication and Media Studies: Information about the internship

If you have any questions that are still open, please contact the faculty’s Helpdesk first. If you have any questions about the content of the course, please contact Dr. Felix Frey.

Module Exams

Modules are usually completed with module exams. You can find more information about the requirements and the procedure for exams in the exam and study regulations of the Bachelor Communication and Media Studies.

The module registration at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies is simultaneously the exam registration. Detailed information on module registration can be found on the faculty’s website

Enrollment is via the online enrollment system TOOL.

If you have problems enrolling, you can use the enrollment team's contact form.

In the following, you will find information on how to deregister from module exams and on admission to the second repeat exam.

  1. Deregistration from Module exams
    Students can deregister themselves online in Almaweb. After the deregistration period has expired, it is no longer possible to deregister from a module (also directly via the exam office). In these cases, exams can only be withdrawn for important reasons (e.g. certified prolonged illness, due to circumstances beyond one’s control, and reasons for which the student is not responsible). It must be in writing and approved by the responsible exam board.
  2. Admission to the Second Repeat exam
    The applications must be submitted on time, in writing with a personal signature and specifying the module (i.e. not by email, but in paper form!). This can be done via the Media Studies/Media Culture mailbox or by post to the following address:


Chairman of the Exam Board Bachelor Communication and Media Studies
Universität Leipzig
Institut für KMW
Nikolaistr. 27-29
04109 Leipzig

The application for approval of part-time studies must be submitted to the exam board for the B.A. Communication and Media Studies program by September 15th for the winter semester and until March 15th for the summer semester. Part-time studies are usually approved for a period of two semesters from the beginning of the winter or summer semester. Extension applications can be submitted before the end of the respective approval period. The exam board alone decides on the extent of part-time study. Applications must be submitted in writing and on paper with a personal signature, stating the reason for applying. The reasons and the requirements for such part-time studies are regulated in the „Inter-faculty regulations for the regulation of part-time studies“.

With the form issued by the exam board and sent by mail, you can then arrange for a corresponding classification in the student office.



In the courses at Institute for Communication and Media Studies, there is no mandatory citation method for exam papers.

In the introductory course to the B.A. Communication and Media Studies, we recommend and teach the citation method according to APA, as is also required by communication studies journals such as Publizistik (with minor deviations) and SCM . Other ways of citation are possible if they are followed consistently, are complete and verifiable. Even with indirect citations, page numbers should be given and no blanket reference to an article or book should be made.

If in doubt, clarify these formalities with the examiner..

The Exam Office at the Institute for Communication and Media Studies

During your studies, you will often come into contact with the exam office. The Exam Office supports you when you have questions regarding examination formalities and ensures that your study credits appear in Alma Web. 


The Exam Office is responsible for a number of different tasks relating to examinations. These tasks include: 

  • Exam registration 
  • Exam dates / registration deadlines 
  • Recognition of pre-exam achievements / exam achievements that have been completed at other universities
  • Admission to the exam / withdrawal from the exam
  • Internships 
  • Announcement of exam results 
  • Receiving objections 
  • Issuance of certificates

Please note:

Always state your student number with inquiries to ensure smooth processing. If you have questions about module registration/deregistration, please also state the module title and the corresponding module number. The application for the second repeat examination must be submitted to the chairperson of the relevant examination board.


It is the task of the examination boards to coordinate the examination procedures for the degree program in question and to monitor compliance with them. The examination boards are therefore responsible for all matters relating to examinations and the recognition of academic achievements in a degree program. The respective examination board takes care of complaints or objections from students against the examination procedure. It is also obliged to report regularly to the faculty on the development of study times and examination results.

There are three examination boards at the Institute of Communication and Media Studies to cover the various programs. Each of the committees has a chairperson and several members. The members are made up of representatives from the group of university lecturers, academic staff, and students.

The following members are currently on the examination board for the Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media Studies:

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Pentzold (Chairman)
  • Prof. Dr. Anne Bartsch (Vice Chair)
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sven Stollfuß
  • Antonia Mielke Möglich, M. A. (Deputy: Jens Hagelstein, M. A.)
  • Franka Siemann (Student Member), Deputy: Benjamin Fromm

Deputy in the absence of a university lecturer: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Niklas Venema

bachelor's thesis

The bachelor's thesis is usually written in the last two semesters of the bachelor's degree as a final thesis. Evidence of having already completed 120 credit points is required. Credit points from the semester in which the bachelor's thesis is applied for are not taken into account. Further regulations are laid out in paragraph 19 of the exam regulations. Information on the procedure, supervision, choice of topic, registration, or information on preparation and deadlines can be found below.

Dates of coming processing periods

Processing period Winter Semster
Summer Semster

Winter Semester

Pre-registration (TOOL)

29.05. – 02.06.23

04.12. – 08.12.23 03.06. – 07.06.24

Submission of supervisor request

05.07. – 09.07.23

15.01. – 19.01.24 01.07. – 05.07.24

Result of supervision assignment

12.07. – 21.07.23

22.01. – 31.01.24 08.07. – 17.07.24

Independent agreement with supervisor




Registration of the bachelor's thesis in the exam office

18.09. – 29.09.23

March September

Start of processing period (usually)




First submission date at the exam office:      
  • Für Studierende nach PO 2012 (18 Wochen)




  • Für Studierende nach PO 2019 (23 Wochen)
11.03.24 10.09.24 11.03.25

Students studying with the exam regulations from 2012 can extend the processing time once by 5 weeks (in total to 23 weeks) upon application to the exam office. For the exact procedure, see below "Processing deadlines/extension of deadlines", point 2.

  1. Pre-registration: With the half-yearly central requirement assessment via TOOL, you will indicate about four months before the start of the processing semester that you would like to write a bachelor's thesis in the following summer or winter semester. We need this indication in order to plan the supervision capacity. You will be asked to pre-register by the study office by message/email
  2. Submission of supervision requests: About a month later, you also use the TOOL to submit four supervision requests (priority 1-4). The prerequisite for this is that you have already pre-registered (see step 1). Use the current information (see table below) to find out more about subject areas or individual topics offered by the various supervisors. Neither an outline nor a justification or anything similar is necessary for the supervisor requests! First supervisors must be authorized examiners employed at the institute, i.e. usually professors or research associates of the institute. If the requests made by the students are not compatible with the supervision capacities, the places will be allocated at random according to the priorities.
  3. Results of requests for supervision: The results will be announced two weeks later. From this point on, you know who will be supervising your bachelor's thesis.
  4. Agreement with the supervisor: You discuss the topic and the second assessment of your bachelor's thesis with your supervisor. Both must be specified by the time the thesis is registered (see below). Therefore, the meeting should take place as soon as possible after the announcement of the supervisor results.
  5. Registration for the colloquium: When registering for the seminar, you register for the colloquium held by your supervisor for the semester in which you would like to write your bachelor's thesis.
  6. Registration at the exam office: You register your bachelor's thesis at the exam office towards the end of the semester before your processing semester. When registering, the exam office also sets the processing deadline and thus your personal latest submission date. (Further information on registration see below)
  7. Processing and submission: You write your bachelor's thesis and submit it twice (exam regulations 2019) or three time (exam regulations 2012) to the exam office by the specified deadline at the latest. The processing time is 23 (exam regulations 2019) or 18 (exam regulations 2012) weeks (for options for extending the deadline, see the "Extension" section below). The scope is 30 to 40 pages plus appendices. Group work with up to 3 students is possible; the number of pages required increases accordingly. You will receive further information on the special requirements of the various supervisors in the colloquia.

Status: 12.12.2023

Professorship A. Bartsch Tips Bartsch
Professorship P. Donges Tips Donges
Professorship S. Ganguin  

Professorship A. Godulla

Tips Godulla
Professorship Ch. P. Hoffmann

Tips Hoffmann
PDF 101 KB

Professorship C. Wolf No Supervision in Summer Semester 2024

Professorship M. Machill

Tips Machill
PDF 224 KB

Professorship Ch. Pentzold

Tips Pentzold
PDF 101 KB

Professorship S. Stollfuß

Tips Stollfuß
PDF 488 KB
Professorship N. Venema Tips Venema
PDF 283 KB
Professorship A. Zerfaß Tips Zerfaß
PDF 148 KB

The supervision slots are allocated by the study office in the same way as in the seminar registration process, based on the students’ stated priorities. The supervising professors and associates contact the students they are supervising in order to coordinate the topics and to provide information about the organizational process of the supervision (exposé, colloquium dates, etc.).


You register your bachelor's thesis in the exam office towards the end of the semester before your processing semester. If you are writing in the summer semester (from April 1st), register your paper in mid-March; if you are writing in the winter semester (from October 1st), register in mid-September. When registering, the exam office also sets the processing deadline and thus your personal latest submission date.

To register at the exam office you will need

  1. at least 120 credit points (this will be checked by the exam office upon registration),
  2. the application form, completely filled out except for the signature of the exam board and the processing deadline (see download link box on the right); use the registration form that is valid for your case (if you started your studies in the winter semester in 2019 or later, the 2019 exam regulations usually applies to you),
  3. if applicable, confirmation of the completed internship, provided that this is decisive for achieving the 120 credit points.


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The final thesis is proof of an achievement in which the quality of the work is assessed in relation to the time. The processing period is specified in the exam regulations. BThe processing period is specified in the exam regulations. When the topic is issued in the exam office, the individual submission date will be given. This date is binding; if the work is not handed in to the exam office (Ms. Bille) on time, it is considered a failurefor the first time.

Extensions are possible in three cases:

  1. llness
    If you become ill during the processing time, the processing will be suspended for the duration of the illness and the submission date will be postponed by the corresponding time. Illnesses must be proven with a medical certificate. The certificate is only to be submitted to Ms. Bille in the exam office. If the duration of the illness(es) exceeds a total of three months, a medical certificate is required. If the exam office has informed them of a new submission date, the students should then inform the first and second reviewers about the new date so that they can prepare for it.
  2. 2.    Exam regulations 2012: Extension from 18 to 23 weeks
    A one-time extension of the processing time by 5 weeks from 18 to 23 weeks is possible according to §19 No. 3 Exam Regulations (2012) with a simple application without justification. The application is to be sent by email to the chairperson of the exam board and a copy to be sent to the exam office (Ms. Bille) and the respective supervisor at the same time. The processing of this application takes place exclusively in the exam office; Examiners and exam board chairpersons are only informed. The application must arrive no later than 14 days before the submission deadline; the approval of the extension will then be confirmed informally by the exam office (Ms. Bille).
  3. Extension beyond 23 weeks
    In special and justified exceptional cases, the exam board can extend the processing period beyond 23 weeks. In principle, reasons can only be those that prevent the completion of the work in the specified period and over which the student has no influence. Examples are problems with empirical studies due to cancellations by interview participants or practice partners who had already accepted. Unacceptable reasons are general delays, parallel employment, availability of literature, changes in the content of the concept, etc. It is part of the service to develop a viable concept and schedule, taking personal circumstances into account , and to take appropriate precautions for the success of the project (daily data backup, timely procurement of literature, etc.).

Applications for an extension of the processing period must be submitted in writing to the chair of the exam board stating the requested extension of the period (in days). The approval of the first reviewer (signature, stamp) is required on the application. Applications must be received at least four weeks before the previously valid submission date so that they can be examined and, if necessary, decided on by the exam board.

Content & Structure


The bachelor's program consists of the core subject, a variable elective area with the possibility of taking an elective subject from the university's range of courses and an area of ​​key qualifications.

A. Core subject

The core subject consists of 150 credit points including the key qualifications totaling 30 credit points and the bachelor's thesis totaling 10 credit points.

B. Wahlbereich (WB)

The elective area consists of 30 credit points. It is made up of modules that are offered by other institutes, which the students can freely choose from. In particular, there are courses from the other institutes of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy to choose from, as well as modules from the Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies, the Philological Faculty, and the Theological Faculty, with which faculty agreements have been concluded. However, modules from subjects with no subject agreements can also be credited to the elective area.

C. Elective Subject

Instead of the freely selectable elective area, students can choose a fixed elective subject from the university, the faculty, or the institute for Communication and Media Studies (elective subject cross-media journalism) totaling 30 credit points. Students make this decision when they register. A separate application is not required. An exception is the cross-media journalism elective subject. Admission requirements must be met here (at least four weeks of freelance work at mephisto 97.6 radio, participation in the Academy or RadioSchmiede training programs, or a four-week editorial internship at a journalistic company).

D. Key Qualifications

The area of ​​key qualifications consists of 30 credits, 10 credits of which are from the area of ​​subject-related key qualifications offered within the faculty and 10 credits from the ​cross-faculty key qualifications modules of the students' choice. A further 10 credit points in the area of ​​subject-related key qualifications are provided by a compulsory internship (06-05-1007-1). Upon application, the 30 credit points for key qualifications can be obtained through a six-month internship.

Bachelorstudiengang Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft 180 LP aufgeteilt in

Core Subject + bachelor's thesis

110 credit points + 10 credit points

Elective Area or Elective Subject

30 credit points

Key Qualifications

30 credit points

The core subject of the course is Communication and Media Studies

All modules from 06-05-1001-1 to 06-05-1005-3 are mandatory

Free choice and arrangement in all subjects except for Communication and Media Studies


Elective subject offered by the university, faculty or institute (elective subject Cross-Media Journalism)

10 credit points must be earned through a module from the faculty's internal offer (key qualification "Faculty")

10 credit points must be earned through a module from the cross-faculty courses
(key qualification "University")

10 credit points are earned by an internship (8 weeks).

30 credit points can be earned through an internship (6 months)

Core subject modules (mandatory)

  • 06-05-1001-1 Basic module I: Basic knowledge and orientation in Communication and Media Studies (20 credit points)
  • 06-05-1002-1 Basic module II: Basic knowledge and orientation in Communication and Media Studies II (20 credit points)
  • 06-05-1003-1 Theory module (20 credit points)
  • 06-05-1004-1 Methods module (20 credit points)
  • 06-05-1005-1 Application Module I (Communication Studies) (5 credit points)
  • 06-05-1005-2 Application Module II (Media Studies) (5 credit points)
  • 06-05-1005-3 Application Module III (Communicator Research) (5 credit points)
  • 06-05-1006-1 Research Module (10 credit points)
  • 06-05-1007-1 Internship (10 credit points)
  • 06-05-1008-1 Colloquium (5 credit points)

Elective modules (each 10 credit points)

Key qualification modules (each 10 credit points)

  • Institute-internal key qualification (internship, see above)
  • Faculty-internal key qualification
  • Cross-faculty key qualification

bachelor's thesis

The core subject also includes the bachelor's thesis, which is usually written in the 5th and 6th semester with a work scope of 12 credit points

The bachelor's program consists of the core subject, a variable elective area with the possibility of taking an elective subject from the university's range of courses and an area of ​​key qualifications.

Note: The following information refers to the reformed bachelor's degree program (exam regulations 2019) starting in the winter semester.

A. Core subject

The core subject consists of 150 credit points including the key qualifications totaling 30 credit points and the bachelor's thesis totaling 10 credit points.

B. Elective Area or Elective Subject

Elective Area

The elective area consists of 30 credit points. It is made up of modules that are offered by other institutes, which the students can freely choose from. In particular, there are courses from the other institutes of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy to choose from, as well as modules from the Faculty of History, Art and Oriental Studies, the Philological Faculty, and the Theological Faculty, with which faculty agreements have been concluded. However, modules from subjects with no subject agreements can also be credited to the elective area.

Elective Subject

Instead of the freely selectable elective area, students can choose a fixed elective subject from the university, the faculty, or the institute for Communication and Media Studies (elective subject Cross-media Journalism) totaling 30 credit points (overview of the elective subjects offered). Students make this decision when they register. A separate application is not required. An exception is the cross-media journalism elective subject. Admission requirements must be met here (at least four weeks of freelance work at mephisto 97.6 radio, participation in the Academy or RadioSchmiede training programs, or a four-week editorial internship at a journalistic company).

C. Key Qualifications

The area of ​​key qualifications consists of 30 credit points. 20 credit points of this are provided by two modules selected from the cross-faculty courses offered, a further 10 credit points in the area of ​​subject-related key qualifications through a compulsory internship (8 weeks). Upon application, the 30 credit points key qualifications can be obtained through an internship extended to six months.

Breakdown of the Full Scope of B. A. Communication and Media Studies

Core Subject + bachelor's thesis

110 credit points + 10 credit points

Elective Area or Elective Subject

30 credit points

Key Qualifications

30 credit points

Four compulsory modules plus bachelor's thesis and bachelor's thesis colloquium and six compulsory elective modules from the range of courses from Communication and Media Studies

Free choice and arrangement in all subjects except for Communication and Media Studies (Elective area)


Elective subject offered by the university, faculty, or institute (elective subject Cross-Media Journalism, elective subject Book Studies)


Increase in the core subject at a maximum of 20 credit points (two modules) from the list of electives offer by the core subject Communication and Media Studies

2 Module aus dem fakultätsübergreifenden Angebot

10 LP werden über ein Praktikum (8 Wochen) nachgewiesen

alle 30 LP über ein langes Praktikum (6 Monate) nachgewiesen werden

Core subject modules: mandatory (10 credit each)

  • Introduction to Communication and Media StudiesI: "Basic terms, actors, structures, and processes" (06-005-1109)
  • Introduction to Communication and Media Studies II: Theories of media reception and media effects (06-005-1110)
  • Methods of empirical communication research and statistics (06-005-1133)
  • Qualitative and quantitative research methods of the Communication and Media Studies (06-005-1134)
  • bachelor's thesis (without module number)
  • BA colloquium (06-005-1132)

Core subject modules: compulsory electives (10 credit points each)

1. Basics of Communication and Media Studies I: Two modules of your choice from...

  • Journalism (06-005-1126)
  • Communication Management (06-005-1127)
  • Media System and Media Change (06-005-1128)

2. Basics of Communication and Media Studies II: A module of your choice from...

  • Book Science (06-005-1129)
  • Media Education (06-005-1130)
  • Media Studies (06-005-1131)

3. Research project I*

4. Research project II*

5. Fields of application*

* One module of your choice from:

  • Media Reception and Media Impact
  • Communication Management
  • Journalism
  • Media Change and Society
  • Media Studies
  • Book Studies
  • Media Education
  • Entrepreneurship and Startup Communication (only fields of application and research project II)


Elective modules (each 10 credit points)


  • 3 modules in the free elective area, of which a maximum of two additional Communication and Media Studies modules (from Basics I and Fields of Application) as an optional increase in the core subject
  • or an elective (30 credit points) from the university’s list of courses; the institute also offers Cross-media Journalism or book science electives for KMW core subject students

SQ modules (each 10 credit points)

  • Institute-internal key qualification (internship, see above)
  • 2 x cross-faculty key qualification, replaceable by extension of internship to 6 months

bachelor's thesis (10 credit points)

The core subject also includes the bachelor's thesis, which is usually written in the 6th semester alongside the course with a workload of 10 CP.

Recommended study plan

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